Geosynthetic for Effective Geo-Solutions in Malaysia




advances in design, construction, applications and testing of geosynthetics


This is a book which gathers the best practices and research endeavours from both industry and universities in Malaysia, to showcase the advances in design, construction, applications and testing of geosynthetics in the country. The 15 chapters present interesting technical innovations in the field, refinement of the understanding in geosynthetic-soil interaction and
mechanisms, as well as geo-environmental troubleshooting and solutions. This inaugural Technical Compilation by MyIGS aims to serve as a useful guide and reference for practitioners, researchers and academics alike, to position the effective use of geosynthetics for the present, and into the future.


  • Geosynthetic for Effective Geo-Solutions in Malaysia


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Centexbel: (2014), European and international geotextile standards- a short guide, United Kingdom, Brussels:


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ISO/TS13434: (2008), Geosynthetics — guidelines for the assessment of durability, Switzerland, Geneva: International

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Lawson, C.R. (2008). Geotextile containment for hydraulic and environmental engineering, Geosynthetics International, 15 (6), pp. 384- 427.

Lawson, C.R. (2020). Reinforced Soil Case Studies, 2nd Edn. TenCate Geosynthetics Asia.

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NCMA: (1997), Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls (DMSRW), 2nd Edn. Virginia: The National Concrete

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Shukla, S.K. (2012). Handbook of geosynthetic engineering, 2nd Edn. ICE Publishing, London, UK.

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Yee, T.W. (2017, October) Basics of Geosynthetics. [PowerPoint slides]. TenCate Geosynthetics Asia.


1 April 2024

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