Queuing System of a Busy Restaurant Using Simulation Software


  • Nur Arfa Aleyssa Haron Nur Arfa Aleyssa Binti Haron
  • Muhamad Ghazali Kamardan


Arena Simulation Software, Queuing System, Busy Restaurant


Waiting times and queuing in a long line is a common phenomenon and
has become a major problem in a busy restaurant. Time spent for the customers to
being serve especially when waits for a long time can affect them in several of ways
such as fatigue. This research is regarding a queuing simulation of a busy restaurant
by using Arena Simulation Software. The purpose of this study is to explore more on
Arena Simulation Software and to analyze the queuing problem at the busy restaurant.
Throughout this study, there are three variables has been analyzed such as Average
Waiting Time of Customer (Wq), Average Number of Waiting Customer (Lq) and
Instantaneous Utilization. The result obtained from simulation for base model
shows the total Average Waiting Time (Wq) of a customer in queue is 55.3131
minutes with the total Average Number of Customers Waiting in queue (Lq) is 10
and the Instantaneous Utilization of the waiters are 72.22% and 71.33% for the
cashier which is consider as well utilized and in a busy condition. Therefore, the
customers flow in the busy restaurant system is still needed to be improved. Based on
this situation, this research also provides two (2) scenarios that help to reduce the
waiting time in a busy restaurant as well as to improve the customer’s satisfaction and
increase the restaurant efficiency.







How to Cite

Haron, N. A. A., & Kamardan, M. G. . (2021). Queuing System of a Busy Restaurant Using Simulation Software. Enhanced Knowledge in Sciences and Technology, 1(2), 66-71. https://penerbit.uthm.edu.my/periodicals/index.php/ekst/article/view/2099